
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Acyrlic Fluid Pouring Attempt // FAIL

After watching a few YouTube videos, I decided to attempt an acrylic fluid pour Having never heard of it before, it was a complete experiment. Now, with the correct materials, fluid pours should look something like the picture below (which is not mine), with "cells". You're supposed to mix hair oil or liquid silicone and paint medium to make these cells...

Image result for acrylic liquid pour
via YouTube
But I didn't have any of those supplies, so I just used water. That is probably why my painting didn't exactly turn out. Anyway, I'll show you how I got the painting I ended with!

I use paper cups to dilute the paint. I used three colors, one of which was glitter. I used the plastic fork to mix the paint with water.

I didn't have a lot of the green or glitter paint so I had to make do.

Then I alternately poured the paint into a small measuring cup.

Here you can see the layers of separation.

I found a big piece of cardboard to protect my workspace. I put the canvas on top of the cup and turned it upside down, then moved the cup to spread the paint. After much dripping and moving the paint around the canvas, I set it on one end to dry overnight.

And this is what I ended up with! Although it doesn't have cells or look like a fluid pour, I will accept it as it is and I think I will still use it on my wall.

And maybe I'll try a fluid pour again in the future when I have the right supplies!