
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

M&M's World Orlando // Travels

If you follow my other blog, you know that I recently got back from a trip to Florida! One of the things I got to do while I was there was visit the M&M's World store. There are only 5 M&M's World stores in the world! The store was HUGE and sold literally everything with an M&M logo on it, from footie pajamas to ear buds.

The outside of the store is underwhelming, but there was a huge 10 foot tall M&M standing to the left of what I got in this picture.

The inside is a bit cooler! 

The mugs are talking to each other :)

So many M&Ms!

Naturally, I bought a few of my favorite, which are the mini ones! I'll be posting more pics from my trip soon!
PS I want to rename this blog..... any ideas?